Based on feedback (“we need the ability to link tasks to bills!”) from folks like yourself, we have expanded our tasks feature set to now allow you to create tasks for a bill:
These tasks will still appear in the home feed and on the tasks page, but can now also be seen on a bill’s page, making it a constant reminder of the work to be done.
OurGov’s task management module may not be as extensive as other tools like Trello or Asana, but its ability to link tasks to bills and representatives makes it stand out.
It should be mentioned that bills can also be linked to representatives and committees:
As an advocacy professional, you know that keeping track of tasks is crucial to achieving your goals. With this new enhancement, allowing you to link tasks to bills, you can always see the work that remains to be done on any given bill. This makes it easier to stay on top of your advocacy efforts and work more efficiently.
This is just another way that OurGov helps you save time and money.
by Taylor White